Wednesday, June 16

Life Education

Life Education...

Last week, SAMS had a visit from Life Education. This time, our visits aren't nice and cute like they used to be in primary, it was scary and full of terror... it gave people nightmares and makes little kids cry! "Web of Addiction" is what it’s called! Our lessons were taught by Michelle, she is cool and very entertaining.

The lessons were mainly about drugs, alcohol and puberty. I know, scary! We learnt about certain drugs and what it does to you, pretty scary stuff. We saw so many videos and pictures of how drugs can ruin your family, friend and future. Though it was scary, it was fun and a bit creepy. Another thing we learn was about puberty and how we are all different from other people. There will and always will be only one me right now and the future! We learnt a bit about how our body work, with hormones during our ‘teens’ years. Like how one certain morning when your voice (and something else too) drop and you start to turn a bit crazy and creepy. We learn many drugs names and how dangerous they are, and alcohols. It might be legal but they can be a bit of a pain when you are addicted to them… What else? Yeah, we learn about having 7 steps or years of puberty. Seriously, we know this stuff already… we just don’t use those big words that Michelle did.

Right now, Life Ed is in a primary school, can’t remember which one. Yes, almost forgot, we saw Harold, he is cute and amazing as always. We also saw his big friend; Big G… He is so creepy, he scares me a lot!

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