Tuesday, November 16

Final Japanese Video

Time Travelling Story

Amy’s Epic Journey

The name is Pond, Amy Pond. I am the Eleventh Doctor’s companion… and his best yet. I was married last night to Rorey, so I’m guessing that my name is now Amy William. So here it is my first solo adventure through time. This time it’s complicated….

There I was, sitting all by myself in the TARDIS. While the TARDIS may appears as a blue small police box, the inside is extraordinary with many levels and rooms

We were on our way to Mexico in 2015 until my dear Doctor got a call from “Her Majesty, the Egyptian Goddess.” He left along with Rorey, who had just found his new obsession with ancient Egyptians!

Now I know I shouldn’t be touching the priceless TARDIS, I just could not stop myself. How can you say no to the only time-travelling machine in the whole universe? There I was pressing old buttons randomly (111246321 to be exact). Suddenly, the machine made this groaning noise with “Ancient Greece, 216 BC” on the screen. Boy I was excited.

Foolish as I was, I opened the door. In front of me was this beautiful temple. It was made from white marbles and decorated with gems from around the globe. It was looking over an ancient city; I believe it was Athens itself.

I took the first step of the marble floor. Then the fire viciously lit up. How? So I took another awkward step, much gently this time.

A boy in dirty clothes came running out. He sat there… with his hands and his head on the floor. Was he alright? Maybe they need to invent a new kind of medicine… soon.

“Umm, hello there,” I said.

He muttered something in Ancient Greek, which no way I could understand. He started to walk away. I followed.

I was in this room, full with statues of Greek gods. From Poseidon, to Athena, to Herms, and even Hades. There was an elegant table in the middle of the room, then something caught my eyes. I gave out a cry. There was a boy there, covered in blood… with his eyes opened. I wanted to turn away.

Right there, I wished that I came here with the Doctor. How will I get back? All I knew was that I have to get back to the TARDIS. Even though the doors were heavily guarded with tough looking guys, I need to run for it.

People might say that I’m small but I can run rather fast when I wanted to. They didn’t think I would be that foolish so they lost their guard. Thanks the gods for that precious 7 seconds; the difference between life and death.

As quick as a cat, I was in the TARDIS. I locked the door and pressed random buttons, I needed to get out of this scary place. Now there weren’t many words that appeared on the screen: “Beijing, China, 2056.” At least it will be better than Ancient Greece… or will it?

There were Chinese and English advertisements everywhere. Not just that, there were really high buildings. Many of them. I was surprised to see how much human kind has moved. Poor Mother Nature.

I was too scared to go outside, of getting lost, meeting new people. Wait, are those people purple? Something is very wrong. I need to tell the Doctor. In a hurried, I ran to the control room. I found a “Home” button. I pressed it. I sat in a corner. I waited.

Wednesday, September 1

Friday, June 18

My Maori Video

I can greet people in Maori - Sometimes
I can count up to ten in Maori - Sometimes
I can give number between 20 and 100 in Maori - Sometimes

I was pleased with what I remembered because I didn't wrote anything down to remember my Maori. I am also pleased that I can count up to 5, which is amazing since this is my first speaking Maori. I am very pleased with myself!

I need to work on my pronounciation in Maori because I keep saying it differently. I also need to remember the numbers from 6 to 10..

My effort during Maori was Good!

Wednesday, June 16

Life Education

Life Education...

Last week, SAMS had a visit from Life Education. This time, our visits aren't nice and cute like they used to be in primary, it was scary and full of terror... it gave people nightmares and makes little kids cry! "Web of Addiction" is what it’s called! Our lessons were taught by Michelle, she is cool and very entertaining.

The lessons were mainly about drugs, alcohol and puberty. I know, scary! We learnt about certain drugs and what it does to you, pretty scary stuff. We saw so many videos and pictures of how drugs can ruin your family, friend and future. Though it was scary, it was fun and a bit creepy. Another thing we learn was about puberty and how we are all different from other people. There will and always will be only one me right now and the future! We learnt a bit about how our body work, with hormones during our ‘teens’ years. Like how one certain morning when your voice (and something else too) drop and you start to turn a bit crazy and creepy. We learn many drugs names and how dangerous they are, and alcohols. It might be legal but they can be a bit of a pain when you are addicted to them… What else? Yeah, we learn about having 7 steps or years of puberty. Seriously, we know this stuff already… we just don’t use those big words that Michelle did.

Right now, Life Ed is in a primary school, can’t remember which one. Yes, almost forgot, we saw Harold, he is cute and amazing as always. We also saw his big friend; Big G… He is so creepy, he scares me a lot!